Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Little Things

The other day I was mid-post when Paul gave me so bad news. So today it's make up time. I have been really enjoying my little lady lately. She is growing so much and talking so much. She does at least one thing a day that makes me sit back and say wow or how did she learn that?

This fall when I take on two full days of school and 12 credits worth of homework, I am going to miss this. Even the very worst day of being a full time stay at home mom. I have been so blessed to have this time with her. Things have been tight but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Sometimes I think we have it all wrong because I haven't finished my degrees, we haven't bought a house but we have her. The thing is though that had we done those things I would not have been able to spend this time with her. So the timing on all of it was just perfect.

As I close this chapter on her first two years and we move half way across the country I am so grateful for these little amazing moments with her!

May you be blessed by some small moment of wonder with someone you love.

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