Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bad Dream

You remember when you were a kid and you had a bad dream and you either braved the scary dark hallway to get to your parents bed or screamed bloody hell until your mother came running?

I haven't had one like that in ages. I should tell you that I dream very very vividly all the time. My dreams play like movies in my head. They are very real and sometimes I am the director and I can control them as I go. So times they are so real and terrifying that when I wake up I can't tell where I am or what is real. Or the emotions are so strong in the dreams that they set me up for the day until I shake it. It was only a dream.

This morning I had a terrifying dream. Probably the closest thing I have ever had to a night terror. Like always it didn't all fit together just right. First I was leaving church early to attend a funeral for a family member. Which family member kept changing. I remember feeling really numb as it was definitely some one young. Then there was my Uncle coming to the house warning us not to open the door for someone who knew our names it was a robbery plot.

Then Paul and I were in some sort of office. The people who were also there were talking about how someone had a hand gun in the high school the day before. Then you guessed it we were in the high school. In a classroom just us with Lilia. Paul was trying to fix something. I was sitting in the back with her. We were talking about how there was a shooter in the school and we couldn't find anything on the internet to confirm it.

The shooter walked in, in a black hoodie with the gun concealed by a piece of orange paper that looked like a paycheck. He made us get down and I was trying to slide the baby out the door but I couldn't get her there. Paul asked how long does that gun work for?

I woke up shaking my whole body hot with fear. It felt like my skin was burning.

So I got out of bed and started my day and shook it off.

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