Saturday, September 25, 2010


Yesterday I noticed a few things about my life.

1. I never get a day off and I probably won't for a very long time. Maybe it was just my mood yesterday but this makes me feel a little over whelmed.

2. Friday Night no longer has meaning because Saturday is just like Friday or Monday. Weekends for me don't exist. There is no tomorrow is Saturday so I get to relax.

3. We often sit the baby in her chair to eat and run around the house getting things done. I think I will stop this because I noticed yesterday that she ends up eating alone. That's just not cool. So I guess I will have to find some other time to straighten the house and fold the laundry.

Yesterday, I wasn't feeling well, I was completely stressed out and hormonal. I have a lot on my plate and my mind. So maybe just maybe that all was effecting the way I felt. Today is still too new to know what it will bring.

If today starts your weekend, Happy Weekend to you!

1 comment:

  1. a suggestion? -feel free to delete
    get one of the many kids (teens) around here who love you guys to babysit lilia, for free as a gift-and take an afternoon for you or for you and paul. It can be done for next to nothing. Ask the kid to gift the babysitting, pack a picnic lunch (what $5) and go to a park, go to the boardwalk, take a drive.

    Be creative (which is a strength of yours by the way) and make weekend time for you. If you can't find a youth to watch lilia then call me! That is putting my money where my mouth is-i have baby experience after all lol
