Monday, April 18, 2011

Out of the Loop

I am not sure what's going on. Maybe this all has to do with the fact that I never moved with a child before, I have never had to set up childcare or travel arrangements for family that will be coming in to help with the move.

I have sent in gobs of paper work and I don't know when I will hear back on things like when housing will be ready. If I will have financial aid. I did find my tentative schedule for August and the Fall online; different than I anticipated. I need to set up childcare or at least a schedule that Paul can use to look for work. I feel like I am in the dark. I don't know which classes will be required vs. which I can take later. Will I have the freedom to schedule around Paul's work? If my mother in law comes to stay with us during a few weeks to help with childcare, can she stay in our apartment?

I have lot's of questions, no answers. I don't know who to ask for the answers. Guess I have some research to do.

Here is a random thought I had last night, when we visited out there in the fall, it seemed that there weren't many people there from the North East. There were a few but not too many. I did notice a ton of people were from Texas. I wonder if my hard New Jersey persona will come off as stand offish to their big old southern hearts. People were really friendly there. I try not to make eye contact with my neighbors. I don't know half their names. We very much just move fast and forward minding our business. It's our life style here and I know it's different because I have lived other places and felt like everyone was moving in slow motion and over sharing. I wonder if I am aware of this, if I can be more open to people, slow down and blend in a bit.

Today I am grateful for the answers I do have.
May you be blessed by meeting someone with open arms today.

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